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Missed the talks? Scroll down to watch the recordings...

Life's BIG Questions

"What is truth? What happens when we die?

Why is there suffering in the world? Why are there so many religions?

How do I know what or who to believe in?...." 


As we go about our day-to-day lives, many of us will mull over some of Life's BIG Questions. 

But where can we find the answers?

watch the talks

Is truth relevant today?

Can the Bible be trusted?

Life after death?

Is there living proof?

The solution for pollution?

A future for our ruined world?

why does god allow suffering?

Why doesn't God deal with evil?


Man's Ways or God's Way?

Couldn't make it?

If you can't make it to the event, you won't get the free coffee* but you can find the recordings on the Windmill Gospel Hall Facebook Page

*Join the Windmill Coffee Morning every Thursday at Windmill Gospel Hall in North Leigh,

from 10:30am-12pm for FREE coffee and cake!

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Windmill Gospel Hall

Common Rd, North Leigh, Witney OX29 6RD

We understand that you might have questions, about the Bible, God, the Gospel or any thing else. Please get in touch through one of the numbers below and we'd be more than happy to help.

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